Sacred Tools to Ignite Your Power

Transformational Guided Meditations, Hypnoses, and Practices

A permission slip to dream. 

Unblocked Vision: A Meditation for Embracing Your Future NOW

Experiencing resistance in making moves toward your deeper aspirations? Tap into the power of presence in this 13-minute guided meditation. Bring clarity to your purpose-driven goals without allowing fear to cost you any more time and energy. Overcome uncertainty, get into aligned action, and move toward your goals with ease.

All parts of who you are.

Show Me the Way: Meditation for Trusting Your Inner Compass

Shift unconscious patterns, master the art of letting go, and get into a relaxed state of being with this 13-minute guided meditation. I will ask you heart-provoking questions to unravel the universal signs guiding you on your path of least resistance. Timeline leap, remember who you are, and activate the freedom to co-create with the universe.

Through the eyes of your future self.

Future Self: Guided Hypnosis to Activate Pure Potentiality 

Ignite long-term positive change and create your future in this 40-minute guided hypnosis. Connect with your wisdom so you can save time, activate abundance, and transmute mental and emotional blocks. Seeing through the eyes of your future, this sacred tool with support you in making transformational and empowered choices daily. 

But now the walls are gone.

Free to be YOU: Guided Hypnosis for Body-Acceptance 

Accompanied by intentional soundtracks, such as 528 Hz and nature sounds, this 30-minute guided hypnosis is designed to reprogram the subconscious mind by getting into a relaxed state of trance so you can release excess emotional and physical weight. Expect to move through an energy alignment practice, a forest visualization, into a subconscious rewriting, activating your authentic truth through body acceptance.

Future in the hands of the NOW.

Inner Compass Activation: Guided Practice to Ignite Clarity and Purpose

Without clarity, we will continue on a hamster wheel of doing, blocking our innate power as conscious creators. During this 18-minute guided activation, I will propose heart-provoking questions to activate communication with your inner being through a mental visualization and journaling exercise. Uncover what you are REALLY seeking so you can work on your goals with a clear vision and a grounded sense of purpose. 

go all in.

Enroll in Christine’s 90-day program and tap into your higher calling.