Rebirth and the Journey of Awakening
The Awakening is a journey of becoming conscious over your life and the spiritual awakening journey is about opening up to the guidance within, outside of the mind-identified form of self.
… and if you have opened yourself up to a more spiritual path, you are aware of its intensity.
Becoming more “awake” of the inner state of being brings more balance within one’s life. It offers clarity, purpose, meaning and ulitmately freedom.
But first, it is important for us to dismantle past conditioning around the topic of spirituality and identifying oneself as spiritual. We were taught how “woo woo” it is, disconnected from the world, aloof and sometimes an ignorant state of being.
When really and truthfully, it is a raw, honest, vulnerable and deconstruction of who you thought you were.
Hello there! My name is Chris.
Intuitive Mindset Coach
Among the many thought leaders, coaches and those in pursuit of creating change in people’s lives, Christine’s intention is less about telling you to “stop doing this” or “don’t do this.” As an Intuitive Mindset Coach and Healer, she is more concerned about WHY you are doing this and how you can do this.
Christine’s intention is to bridge the gap between mindset and the mystical teachings. Make sure subscribe to her newsletter to receive weekly support and guidance.
During the re-birth period, we open up to new versions of who we are. We experience a deep level of expansion and this is called self evolution.
Self Evolution is strengthening the power within, igniting love, mastery, discovery, confidence, expression, and exploration.
The beginning stages of one’s self-evolution is a dark period in time.
It is possible to have subtle experiences of detachment from the rest of the world, feelings of “stuckness” and emptiness. You may be fueled by asking deeper questions about the meaning of life. Also, and in this stage, it is more than likely you experience states of loss, grief, sadness and discomfort.
Secondly, and something else to acknoledge about the spiritual path is that it is not a linear journey. We go through many phases of death and rebirth. The ego, which we will discuss in a moment, comes in many different forms, so within each layer of awakening, you will shed parts of your identity and the ego, who lives in the past, will convince you to find a safe place and hide.
Rebirth occurs after the darkness period of expansion, death. It is the moment where we re-emerge into our truth, with a new set of eyes and the deeper our roots go, the higher we reach and connect with the freedom to dance, play and co-create with life.
Death and rebirth must be met with responsibility and vulnerability, truth and honesty.
This has nothing to do with positive thinking because in order to bridge the gap between the outerworld and the innerworld, the truth must be at the forefront of intention.
Want to dive deeper?
Christine is an Intuitive Mindset Coach that offers space and guidance to those ready to break free from the mind-identified form of self.
She will help you to break the patterns formed through unconscious thoughts and emotions, to help you re-write your story and become the best version of YOU.
What is Ego?
Before we move forward, let’s dive into what the ego is and how it plays a role in your life.
Ego in Latin means I and ego is identified through the I.
Sigmund Freud referred to the ego as the conscious-decision making part of you.
He compared personality to an iceberg.
The little bit you see on the surface represents conscious awareness.
I am this.
I live here.
I was that.
We have been conditioned to see only through the lens of the mind and by the mind, I am referring to logic and reason, the analytical mind, the intellect. This is a part of our experience as beings, but is not the entirety of who we are. (This is based on my experience and the exploration I have done within the realm of spirituality).
This aspect of our mind, this area of the mind, the ego, is an accumulation of the past, which menas, if we continue to live through the mind, we continue to live through the past.
(You can find more information by looking up the work of Eckhart Tolle if you are driven towards spiritual teachings and/or Dr. Joe Dispenza, if you are drawn more to the sciences).
Being trapped within the lens of ego will keep you stuck.
I have found the healing arts to play a role in releasing grip on the ego because it offers grace to the painful parts of our paths and releases them.
2 things to make note of when it comes to ego.
One, the ego is what’s standing in the way of your authentic truth, your authentic self.
Two, the ego knows the known world, the manifested, whereas your authentic self lives through the unknown.
To channel more of your authentic truth, you must be willing to go beyond the conditions of the external world, beyond the limitations of the intellectual mind, and go deep in asking…
“what is it that I, ego, is afraid of if I let go?”
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The Intelligence within
This spiritual rebirth is where the ego, parts of your identity, fall away.
Witnessing the shedding of who you thought you were does involve grief and remember, grief shows up differently for each one of us.
It is not easy to let go of parts of who you were, especially when they brought you moments of happiness, love, and meaning.
The truth is, trying to recreate those moments will only create more resistance within you. A new expansion of you awaits and saying goodbye to these parts of you is necessary.
Trust. And trust some more.
Where you are right now is a gift and perhaps you don’t see that at the moment, or perhaps you do, but don’t see the entirety of what that means, but nevertheless, trust why you are here in this very space, in this very moment.
This is no coincidence.
You have everything you are looking for.
You have everything you need.
You are on the edge of a new life.
Take the leap.
Let parts of your ego fall away and watch how swiftly and intelligently the universe will catch you.
…For the Greater Good of the Whole
I want to leave you with this…
Rebirth is what heals the planet.
If you have been called to awaken, you have something to offer the world. Creation is channeled through the unknown. How much time are you spending doing things that light you up from the inside out?
You may not know your purpose right now or you may have some idea of what your purpose is, either way, understand that within each question you ask, the answer is created and opening up your heart to the intelligence within, will bring the answers to you.
One person can make a change in this world and you are that person.
Much love,
Christine Zaroura