Goal Setting: What they don’t talk about.

by | Jul 2022 | Blog

What to expect in this blog post:

  • Learn what Goal setting is.
  • Dive into the meaning behind goals and why they hold value.
  • Get a 5 Step Process to get calrity in what it is you deeply desire. 
  • Download 5 Step Process 


What is goal setting?

In the traditional sense, goal setting is a process of visualizing an outcome, objective, target goal, and taking the necessary steps towards achieving it. Some types of goal setting are time-based goals (short-term, long-term), wellness goals, business goals or career goals, financial goals, personal goals, and the list goes on. 

A well-known approach to goal setting is using the S.M.A.R.T. Method. 

S: Specific, meaningful, clear

M: Measureable, quantifiable 

A: Attainable, realistic

R: Relevant, Alignment

T: Time-based, Set Dates

My intention, MY GOAL, for this blog is to give you a different perspective on why we set goals for ourselves and how we can develop a loving relationship with the process.

Hello there! My name is Christine.

Hello there! My name is Christine.

Intuitive Mindset Coach + Spiritual Guide


I am happy to be your guide through this paradox of life.

Does Goal Setting require a framework?

In my opinion, absolutely not. I believe goals don’t necessarily require an entire process in order to be met/achieved. By simply knowing what we desire, deep within ourselves, divine intelligence will be at play, all while we, on some level, show up each day towards what it is we are building towards or perhaps opening up to. 

What I mean by divine intelligence at play is: We will begin to see challenges as an opportunity to learn. 

This combo of surrendering and doing is a dance. It is a dance in knowing that where we are now is exactly where we need to be. 

The First (and Essential) Step

The first step and I believe the most essential part of desiring an outcome is knowing deeply what it is we are seeking. What is the need and how can this desired outcome guide us in connecting with the power within?

Getting specific is less about control and more about allowing. The mind, as our powerful part of who we are, can move into a more dream-like state, allowing the floodgates of our hearts to open. 

Finding clarity in the intention of the journey awakens you to exploring the deeper visions of who it is you are becoming, or perhaps who you are, truly, deep down within, that will be highlighted through this desired outcome. See, setting goals is not about getting somewhere, being someone, getting something, it is accessing our free will, our dreams, visions, and who we are here to be in this world. 

By identifying what it is we seek, it connects us to the space of wholeness within, and in turn, brings love to the very journey of reaching for our goals/visions for ourselves. 

What is the point of Setting Goals?

My health and Fitness journey unlocked greater potential in myself. 

As I was moving through a ton of grief after the passing of my dad, I was ready to focus on my health, wellness, and happiness. At the time, I wasn’t using a goal-setting process. I wasn’t setting time aside to clearly lay out the framework for what it is I was reaching for. Goal-setting comes in many forms and some of our aspirations CAN come into fruition by simply being passionate about what it is we desire and moving in that direction. 

Looking back at that time in my life, where I was equally lonely as I was accessing liberation within myself, I can wholeheartedly say, when we can come from a space of love within, setting goals is channeling our superpower in being conscious creators.

By being locked into our goals through the fullness, wholeness, and our authentic truth, is what makes goal-setting a powerful form of self-expression and essential to living a conscious life. I believe setting goals is our birthright and building a relationship in the HOW we set goals is OURS to create. It can also be helpful to venture out and explore what form of setting intentions resonates with you. 


Some ideas:

  • You can include elements of the earth into your practice or anything that reminds you of home within. 
  • You can ask a friend to join you and plan out your visions together. 
  • Or you can use social media as a form of accountability and building community.
  • You can work with the moon phases, as part of your process.
  • You can journal or use a guided meditation to help you with the imaginary play and envisioning the outcome.
  • You can use the SMART Method to figure out what the framework is for your desired outcome.
  • OR you can use the 5 Step Process I developed below to be your guide. 

5 Step Goal-Setting Process 

Get Clear 

Center yourself before cultivating a space for your goals. Use tools like meditation, breathing exercises, or even something like dancing to get grounded. Is the space around you comfortable? How can you get even more comfortable? In other words, how can you get into a more relaxed state of mind and body? Use a paper and pen or your computer to write the goal/outcome you deeply desire. Become aware of any resistance that may arise and make note of them, but keep going. Come back inside and ask again. Listen and write it down. 


Identify the block(s)

Use a free-writing exercise as a way to get honest with yourself. You don’t have to see it all just yet. Think of this goal/outcome/intention/aspiration and witness any thoughts and emotions that may be hindering you from visualizing or perhaps FEELING into this future outcome. Oftentimes there is a gap between what we want and moving into the action towards it. Step 2 is about giving space for the answers to your deeper questions to appear. This will allow what is unconscious, the old patterns, to unveil/reveal themselves. Remember, moving through them will dispel them. 


Building the Foundation

Building the Foundation is all about how you will hold yourself accountable. Set clear guidelines, boundaries, and ways to measure your progress. How can you make this part inviting and authentic to you? What tools and resources can you include to keep you motivated and inspired? You know yourself best. What can you do to make this YOURS? 

When it comes to setting a schedule, etc, consider your current obligations and daily tasks. Is your goal realistic, as you consider your current responsibilities and where you can adjust accordingly? Set a rough goal date. This can always be adjusted. Lastly, USE time. 24 hours in a day- how can you USE the time wisely? 


Showing UP 

Where discipline meets grace. Use what you implemented in the third step to track your progress. This is the part where you show up. And on the days you don’t, it is so important to be kind to yourself. Understand this: Judgment will only get in the way of your progress AND the freedom to enjoy the process. You can use a journal to document thoughts and emotions. There might be some limiting beliefs, unconscious patterns hidden beneath the surface, as mentioned in Step 2, OR there may be some transformational shifts to celebrate. 



Celebrating yourself is honoring your Self. Indulge in a delicious donut or perhaps enjoy a glass of wine (or a virgin margarita if you don’t drink alcohol). Have a dance party. Go out to eat. Take a hike. Stroll through a park. Treat YOself. Maybe a solo vacation? DO absolutely nothing (and feel good about it). Include a friend to the mix. Maybe spend some time sharing your aspirations and visions for the future. Perhaps you and this friend can plan a random touristy thing to do. Maybe you want to celebrate by moving right into the phase of your long-term goal and/or you can use the momentum to revisit your intentions for taking this path in the first place. Take time to witness the small shifts, as much as the major accomplishments. Use this momentum to light up all the facets of life, your life, and who you are. 

Universal Principle of Co-Creating

Set the intention and BE open to what is to come. This involves both chaos and order, so as much as we want to resist the storm, we must remind ourselves that this is too part of the journey. Use the power of awareness to witness what is coming up and ride the waves that may arise. They are there for a reason, trust in them.


And hey, setting goals is not a linear path.

We are always changing, evolving, shedding, unbecoming and becoming. Setting goals is about dancing with fate. It is a guide into exploring deeper powers within to co-create a life aligned with the truth of who we are. We reveal new versions of ourselves or perhaps buried truths beyond the illusions of who we are. It is a PROCESS. When we can build trust and fall in love with the journey, we allow grace to weave through our goals. Release time. Work towards said desire and trust all will come into place. 

Surrender and Do. Both/and. 


Want to dive deeper?


As a coach, Christine is dedicated to empower you and offer you the insights needed to shift the course of your life.

It is time to re-write your story.