Join my 1:1 Coaching Membership

Want to take purpose-driven action on your goals?

A container for heart-centered non-conformists, highly sensitives, and intuitives who are here to disrupt the system, redefine the game, and create meaningful change in the world.

Here, we do things differently.

We blend mystical insights with actionable strategies, helping you navigate the complexities of spiritual awakening while giving you the tools to consciously create your reality.

Do any of these resonate?

💚You know the goals you want to achieve (woop)🥳!… BUT you can’t seem to take consistent action and you are tired of doing this out alone. You need someone who GETS it, helps you align your mindset with your deeper desires, and can hold the BIG vision with you.

💚People-pleasing? Dismissing your intuition to do what you “should” do to reach your goals? Unworthiness coming to the goalsparty and bringing the vibe down? 😬 Feeling like you want to crawl in a hole as soon as you express what you REALLY want? 

💚You are fueled with SO many creative ideas and you are SO ready to take action on them. It would be awesome to create an inspiring and aligned plan that actually feels tangible and grounded. 🤘Perhaps a schedule that is nourishing and easy to manage? 

💚Uncertainty and self-doubt can sometimes get the best of you. This usually leads to self-sabotage and misaligned habits. 😶 The moment you sit down to work on your goals, you feel uninspired and even defeated. You need some direction and tools to move through these quite real and valid emotions. 

💚Feeling like you’re swimming upstream? 🥴 Tired of the grind. Tired of the groundhog’s of your weekly to do’s. Need a fresh start? 

My superpower is clarity.

You know those really intense transitions we are met with in life? The ones where we wish we can open up a book and find the answer to our life’s more existential questions? 

Well think of me as the bridge between practical ‘down to earth advice’ met with access to higher dimensions of SEEING. 

After 10 years of cultivating a spiritually-infused approach to goal-setting on my own, and guiding others through their awakening journeys, I saw how many of us struggle with bridging the gap between our connection with the universe, our unique dreams and desires, and inserting that into modern-day life.

I’m Christine, and I LOVE helping awakened beings go from uncertainty to unwavering connection with their authentic truth and purpose (which is really what we do in relation to who we are 🫶).

My one-on-one coaching membership is designed to face obstacles straight on so that we can remember over and over again the path of least resistance.

👉 Resistance or “feeling stuck” are the not-so-obvious signs we need to take meaningful action on our goals. 

Together we gain clarity, transform limiting stories/beliefs, and take empowered action using the power of time management and energy alignment.

But most importantly, this is a safe and sacred space. Express yourself unapologetically, explore your deeper desires, and offer light to unconscious mental and emotional patterns without judgment. 

Go from “WTF am I doing,” to “Yeah, I got this.

Say Goodbye to:

  • Feeling unsure of what’s next or how to move forward..
  • Fear of showing up on social media and sharing your truth.
  • Doubting if you’re “good enough” or qualified.
  • Uncertain about where or how to focus your energy.
  • Lacking confidence in your choices. 
  • Procrastination and paralysis.
  • Feeling unsupported, misunderstood, and NOT seen. 


And say oh hiyyeeee to:

  • Clarity on what steps you need to take.
  • Taking bold action, despite fear and judgment.
  • Listening to your inner guidance system.
  • Making decisions with ease. 
  • A deeper sense of self-acceptance and trust.
  • Showing up for obstacles like a GEE.
  • Taking consistent action with ease.
  • Practical routines and rituals.
  • Feeling safe and confident in being seen.
  • Seeing the fruits of your label grow.
  • Attracting like-minded and hearted people.
  • Living in the flow with grace and creative expression.

Let’s make things happen and have fun along the way. 🙂 

This 1:1 coaching membership is unique to you, intimate and sacred, so you can take meaningful action on your goals.  

Our Itinerary

Gain clarity, get accountable, and cultivate a sustainable roadmap. I will be there by your side, as you witness the organic and natural co-creative process of conscious creation.

Experience mindset shifts and transformational breakthroughs.

Come out of working together with great ease in your heart and confidence in every step you take.

1:1 Sessions via Zoom

Our one on one sessions, scheduled conveniently through your client portal, will provide you with practical tips, intuitive guidance, and actionable steps. I will support you through my gifts and mindset tool box, which include: psychic abilities and therapeutic and nuero-science based modalities to map out your deepest desires.

One-Tap-Away Voxer Support!

Having an ah-ha, holy-sh*t moment and want to share? Feeling quite emotional and needing a friend? Received a sign from the universe and want to hash out what it means? Depending on the membership tier you choose, we’ll have check-ins.

Tasking, Accountability, and Resources

I will provide you with actionable and tangible assignments throughout the program. This feature leaves out the guesswork with my step by step framework, including essential tools and skills you need to move into aligned action and envision your future with clear sight.

I want you to know that my heart leads first in all that I do and share. I am in this for the same reasons you are: To make the world a better place. I trust you. I trust in your decisions and my hope is you are making decisions on your wellbeing out of love, opposed to fear. The survival mindset is what I have spent the last 10 years of my adult life untangling. I have been devoted to creating a step-by-step approach to truly “becoming our best selves,” without wasting more of our energy and time doing the things society and culture has deemed necessary for “success.” 

With that in mind…

My coaching services are for you if:

✌️You have a heightened sense of self awareness and value personal growth.

✌️You have felt the call to follow your heart and pursue “something more.”

✌️You no longer want fear and/or self-sabotage getting in the way of taking action.

✌️You want to gain clarity and direction on what the next phase of your life is.

✌️You want to make positive changes in your life and in the world.

My coaching services are not for you if:

✋You believe in luck and believe the universe is mostly random.

✋You don’t care to know the existential meaning and purpose of life.

✋You are resistant to self-care practices and any form of innerwork.

✋You think psychic abilities are “woo woo”and doubt spiritual wisdom.

✋You have no idea what a spiritual awakening is and don’t care to find out.

Get CRYSTAL clear on your deepest desires and take meaningful action.

Get Organized

Bring your goals to life with a supportive, creative, and tangible roadmap pulling together time management and energy mastery.

BE Authentic

Use your unique story and who you are so you can orchestrate an action plan that feels inspiring.

Tap into Expansion

Use supporting self-care practices and focused strategic daily implementation to “crush” your goals.

So you can… Create the energetic space to call in aligned opportunities. 💚

Game Changer… you have what it takes

Below, you will see 3 Tiers for my monthly Coaching Membership. (3 Month Commitment).

We’ll discuss which one makes the most sense for you on our connection call.

Not ready to dive in fully?

Join my newsletter and let’s stay in touch!